Friendster Problems

Have you ever log on to your Friendster account and have log in page like this? This happens especially if you are using a Firefox Internet Browser.With all honesty, I really don't know what is happening to Friendster. This does not happens all the time. But it usually happens during night time, Philippine time.If you can explain what is happening to Friendster, please leave a post and explain it...
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Ubuntu Theme Sites

Here are some links for UBUNTU Themes sites for your ACER 4330I do hope you'll get what you want to improve your themes. sites really have the best collections of UBUNTU Them...
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Review on Coby DVD 209 Player

This small sleek amazing DVD player really caught my attention of giving it a review. I just bought it and tested it. Coby DVD 209 is 1.35” thick and approximately 6” width x 4” height. This sleek DVD player comes with a sleek ,small remote control. Covering a wide range of DVD recognition formats, this small yet powerful DVD player can definitely deliver the movie that you want to see. It doesn't...
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It has been more than a year that I am with Enegosyo. So far, I am completely satisfied with the services. But here's my personal review for this eloading business for my almost 2 years of using enegosyo business services.AdvantagesFirst of all, enegosyo loads almost everything. Not only almost all the phone networks (I don't know if it is already open to red mobile) is being loaded, but also covers...
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Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

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Review on LG KP500 Cookie

At last, LG500 is finally here. It's not a high end phone in comparison to iPhone or Omnia. But just like what everybody says, "you get what you paid for".Nonetheless, LG500 Cookie has no other rival as of the moment being a semi-hi-end phone. It costs only somewhere from Php 11,000-12,000, a huge difference from Ominia and iPhone.A small phone that can be grasp in your palm, Cookie is also excellent...
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