How to Play Clash of Clans from Android to Iphone and Vice Versa

This is just a sidetrack post since this is about building websites. But even the geeks have its own past times, and one of those is playing video game or mobile game. So about Clash of Clan issue, read on.  You started playing Clash of Clans (COC) in your android phone. Now that you are switching to Iphone, you will have to start over again. Not at all true. There is a way where you can...
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Black Friday Sale 2012

Tomorrow will be a Black Friday sale! It’s the time of the year where most internet marketers and online companies give huge discounts on the products they are selling. The hint of this sale is the time because most of them only offer HUGE SALES in just a day. So hurry up! Check out these “online business package” that I prepared for you. These are the things to buy in starting your business! Hosting Account with Hostgator  - If you have a domain but do not have hosting account yet, then...
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How I Solved Wordpress Hacking

About 3 weeks ago when I noticed that some of my websites that are hosted on a single hosting account has been hacked and was inserted by several ad scripts and malwares. I can't just stand there and watch my sites fall. The hacking was done using brute force and SQL injection. It was so frustrating to see all those hard works to be compromised by these malicious softwares. It cost money to set...
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Getting Over With Notepad Bug

Notepad is definitely not the best text editor. Unfortunately, it is widely used because it is the default text editor of Window based computers. Here's a simple solution to overcome this bug: Visit our main site for more Wordpress tutorials.&nb...
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What Would You Do If you See A Flying Man

What are you going to do when you see a flying man? LOL... these figure are not real men, but it's a mechanical flying objects that was made to have a figure like a man. This is for a production of a mov...
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